Pest Control for Rats: Get Rid of These Unwanted Guests

Pest Control for Rats

Rats are more than just a nuisance. They can pose serious health risks to humans and pets, damage property, and contaminate food. If you have a rat infestation in your home or business, you need to act fast and take effective measures to get rid of them. In this article, we will explain how to identify the type of rats you are dealing with, what are the best methods to control them, and how to prevent future infestations.

Key Takeaways

What You Need to Know Why It Matters
Identify the type of rats Different types of rats have different behaviors, habitats, and vulnerabilities. Knowing the type of rats you are dealing with can help you choose the most appropriate control method.
Use a combination of methods No single method can guarantee complete eradication of rats. You need to use a combination of methods, such as traps, baits, exclusion, sanitation, and professional services, to achieve the best results.
Prevent future infestations Rats can quickly repopulate if the conditions are favorable. You need to take preventive measures, such as sealing entry points, eliminating food sources, and maintaining good hygiene, to keep rats away from your property.

How to Identify the Type of Rats

The two most common rat pests in North America are the roof rat and Norway rat.

Roof Rats

Roof rats are relatively small, weighing between 5 and 9 ounces, and have slender bodies and smooth gray coats. They can also be identified by their pointed snouts and large ears with no hair. Their tail is slightly longer than their body.

Roof rats are excellent climbers and prefer to live in high places, such as attics, roofs, trees, and vines. They are active at night and feed on fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains.

Norway Rats

Norway rats are larger than roof rats, weighing between 7 and 18 ounces, and have stocky bodies and coarse brown coats. They have blunt snouts and small ears with some hair. Their tail is shorter than their body.

Norway rats are burrowers and prefer to live in low places, such as basements, sewers, crawl spaces, and garbage dumps. They are also active at night and feed on meat, fish, grains, nuts, and garbage.

How to Get Rid of Rats

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for rat control. You need to use a combination of methods that suit your situation and budget. Here are some of the most effective methods to get rid of rats:

Snap Traps

Snap traps are wooden or plastic devices that kill rats instantly by snapping their necks when they trigger a baited trigger. Snap traps are one of the cheapest and most reliable methods of rat control. They are easy to set up and monitor, and they do not pose a risk of secondary poisoning to pets or wildlife.

However, snap traps also have some drawbacks. They can only catch one rat at a time, so you need to use multiple traps for large infestations. They can also be messy and unpleasant to dispose of the dead rats. Moreover, some rats may learn to avoid the traps or steal the bait without triggering them.

To use snap traps effectively, you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose the right size and type of trap for the type of rat you are dealing with. Roof rats are smaller and more agile than Norway rats, so they may require smaller and more sensitive traps.
  • Place the traps along the paths where rats travel frequently, such as near walls, corners, or burrows. You can use tracking powder or flour to mark their trails.
  • Bait the traps with foods that rats like, such as peanut butter, bacon, cheese, or chocolate. You can also use nesting materials like cotton or fur.
  • Set the traps carefully according to the instructions on the package. Make sure they are stable and secure.
  • Check the traps regularly and remove any dead rats promptly. Wear gloves and dispose of them in a sealed plastic bag.
  • Reset the traps until you catch no more rats for several days.

Live Traps

Live traps are metal cages that capture rats alive by closing a door when they enter a baited compartment. Live traps are humane and eco-friendly methods of rat control. They do not harm or kill the rats, and they do not use any toxic substances that could harm pets or wildlife.

However, live traps also have some challenges. They are more expensive and less effective than snap traps. They can only catch one rat at a time, and some rats may avoid or escape from them. Moreover, you need to deal with the captured rats humanely by either releasing them far away from your property or euthanizing them.

To use live traps effectively, you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose the right size and type of trap for the type of rat you are dealing with. Roof rats are smaller and more agile than Norway rats, so they may require smaller and more sensitive traps.
  • Place the traps along the paths where rats travel frequently, such as near walls, corners, or burrows. You can use tracking powder or flour to mark their trails.
  • Bait the traps with foods that rats like, such as peanut butter, bacon, cheese, or chocolate. You can also use nesting materials like cotton or fur.
  • Set the traps carefully according to the instructions on the package. Make sure they are stable and secure.
  • Check the traps regularly and remove any captured rats promptly. Wear gloves and handle them with care.
  • Release the rats at least 10 miles away from your property in a suitable habitat, such as a wooded area or a field. Alternatively, you can euthanize them by using carbon dioxide or a veterinarian-approved method.
  • Reset the traps until you catch no more rats for several days.

Bait Stations

Bait stations are self-contained, enclosed devices that contain an approved type of rodenticide in block or paste form. Bait stations are convenient and effective methods of rat control. They are easy to install and maintain, and they can kill multiple rats over time.

However, bait stations also have some risks. They can pose a threat of secondary poisoning to pets or wildlife that may eat the poisoned rats or the bait itself. They can also be slow and inconsistent in killing rats, as some rats may be resistant or wary of the bait. Moreover, they can cause environmental contamination and odor problems if the dead rats are not found and removed.

To use bait stations safely and successfully, you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose the right type and amount of rodenticide for the type of rat you are dealing with. Roof rats are more likely to eat fruits and nuts than grains, so they may require different types of bait than Norway rats.
  • Place the bait stations along the paths where rats travel frequently, such as near walls, corners, or burrows. You can use tracking powder or flour to mark their trails.
  • Follow the label directions on how to fill and secure the bait stations. Make sure they are tamper-resistant and inaccessible to children, pets, and wildlife.
  • Check the bait stations regularly and replenish the bait as needed. Wear gloves and dispose of any dead rats in a sealed plastic bag.
  • Continue using the bait stations until you see no more signs of rat activity for several weeks.


Exclusion is the process of sealing off any potential entry points that rats can use to access your property. Exclusion is a preventive and long-term method of rat control. It can help reduce or eliminate the need for other methods, such as traps or baits. It can also help protect your property from damage and contamination caused by rats.

However, exclusion also requires some effort and investment. You need to inspect your property thoroughly and identify all possible entry points that rats can exploit. You also need to use durable and rodent-proof materials to seal them off.

To perform exclusion effectively, you need to follow these steps:

  • Inspect your property for any gaps, holes, cracks, or openings that are larger than 1/4 inch in diameter. Pay attention to areas such as roofs, eaves, vents, pipes, wires, doors, windows, foundations, walls, floors, and ceilings.
  • Use appropriate materials to seal off any entry points that you find. Some of the materials you can use are steel wool, wire mesh, hardware cloth, caulk, cement, metal flashing, or sheet metal.
  • Monitor your property for any signs of new entry points or rat activity. Repair any damage or breaches that you find.


Sanitation is the process of eliminating any food sources and nesting materials that rats can use to survive and reproduce. Sanitation is an essential and ongoing method of rat control. It can help reduce or prevent rat infestations by making your property less attractive and hospitable to them.

However, sanitation also requires some discipline and diligence. You need to maintain good hygiene and cleanliness in your property at all times. You also need to follow some best practices to minimize rat access to food and shelter.

To practice sanitation effectively, you need to follow these steps:

  • Store food properly in sealed containers made of metal, glass, or plastic. This includes human food, pet food, bird seed, livestock feed, compost, and garbage.
  • Clean up any spills or crumbs from food preparation or consumption areas. This includes kitchen counters, tables, floors, sinks, stoves, refrigerators, cabinets, pantries, dishes, utensils, and trash cans.

Remove any clutter or debris from your property that could provide nesting materials or hiding places for rats. This

includes furniture, appliances, boxes, papers, clothes, fabrics, and wood.

  • Dispose of any waste properly in sealed bags or containers. This includes organic waste, yard waste, recyclables, and hazardous waste.
  • Trim any vegetation or branches that could provide access or cover for rats. This includes trees, shrubs, vines, ivy, and grass.
  • Keep your property well-lit and ventilated to discourage rat activity. This includes attics, basements, crawl spaces, garages, sheds, and porches.

Professional Services

Professional services are the option of hiring a licensed and experienced pest control company to handle your rat problem. Professional services are the most convenient and reliable method of rat control. They can provide you with a comprehensive and customized solution that suits your needs and budget. They can also guarantee the quality and safety of their work.

However, professional services also have some costs and limitations. They are more expensive than other methods of rat control. They may also require some cooperation and compliance from you to ensure the effectiveness and durability of their treatment. Moreover, they may not be available or accessible in some areas or situations.

To use professional services wisely and successfully, you need to follow these steps:

  • Do some research and compare different pest control companies in your area. Look for their credentials, reputation, reviews, references, and warranties. Ask for estimates and contracts before hiring them.
  • Choose a pest control company that specializes in rat control and uses integrated pest management (IPM) principles. IPM is an approach that combines multiple methods of pest control with minimal use of pesticides and environmental impact.
  • Follow the instructions and recommendations of the pest control company on how to prepare your property for treatment and how to maintain it after treatment. This may include removing or relocating some items, cleaning or sanitizing some areas, or avoiding some activities.
  • Monitor your property for any signs of rat activity or recurrence after treatment. Report any issues or concerns to the pest control company as soon as possible.

How to Prevent Future Infestations

Rat control is not a one-time event. It is a continuous process that requires constant vigilance and prevention. Rats can quickly repopulate if the conditions are favorable for them. You need to take preventive measures to keep rats away from your property for good.

Here are some tips on how to prevent future infestations:

  • Keep up with the exclusion, sanitation, and monitoring methods that we discussed above. These are the best ways to make your property unattractive and inhospitable to rats.
  • Use repellents or deterrents to discourage rats from entering or staying on your property. These are substances or devices that emit unpleasant smells, sounds, or sensations that rats dislike. Some examples are peppermint oil, ammonia, mothballs, ultrasonic devices, or strobe lights.
  • Use natural predators or enemies to reduce or eliminate rat populations. These are animals or insects that prey on or compete with rats for food and shelter. Some examples are cats, dogs, owls, hawks, snakes, weasels, foxes, coyotes, ants, beetles, or spiders.
  • Educate yourself and others about the dangers and damages of rats. This can help raise awareness and responsibility among your family members, neighbors, or community members. You can also share information and resources on how to control and prevent rat infestations.


Rats are unwelcome guests that can cause serious problems for you and your property. You need to act fast and take effective measures to get rid of them as soon as possible. You also need to prevent future infestations by making your property less appealing and accessible to them.

We hope this article has given you some useful information and tips on how to control and prevent rat infestations. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help you with your pest control needs. Thank you for reading!

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